Thursday, October 29, 2009

Look through a King's Door - Fatehpur Sikri


India's Doors Fatehpur Sikri & Taj Mahal

Visit The Taj Mahal and Fatehpur Sikri the same dayFrom Delhi 181 km and then 38.9 km from Taj Mahal to Fetepur Sikri use google maps or this link see map

Taj Mahal Hand carved by 22,000 workers. The doors are on the columns as well as the main structure.
To learn more view Taj Mahal wiki

Another location in India

Fatehpur Sikri Map and information

India's ornate doors of wood

These doors are crafted for days with end by men who's familys have been carving and creating doors for generations.

London Doors

London has a much to offer as any city with a story. The door and doorways have much to tell.

England's stylish doorways

Doors with many secrets to tell & Windows Italy

Sharing the view of windows in Italy. Beautiful looking in, beautiful looking out.

Historical Doors of Italy

Doors - First Impressions

What does your front door look like?

Italy's Doors with a history

Doors Can give bring you to another time. They can give you a feeling of comfort while other doors can give you a feeling of fear. Next time you think of it look in your area at the doors and doorways around you. These are in Italy.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Thursday, October 1, 2009